"Undertow" 10"x 15"
Hand stitched glass beads, hand embroidery and acrylic paint on linen.
Well, my sabbatical from the studio lasted a good long time, much longer than I realized.
Partly I’ve been Gardening a lot since spring, mostly for clients, but also getting my Studio garden ready for a local Garden Tour, which was great, and we grew almost all of our produce this summer in our home garden and I have a little public garden I take care of as a volunteer. I also made a lot of handmade pot holders and bags to sell. All this is under the theory of diversifying my income stream to not just rely on Art sales. And I’ve been taking a lot of photographs, just for the pleasure of it. As much fun as I’ve been having, it was absolutely wonderful to get back in the studio and start a new piece this month.
I love this smaller format right now and want to do a series tentatively titled “Postcards from the Garden” but maybe not that sappy sounding. This piece does have flowers, as do many of my pieces, however I am more interested in pattern, the tension of the decorative quality and the process of tending. Well, more on all this later. I have a pie to bake.